Hayfield Primary School

Loving Learning, Loving Life.

Diversity at Hayfield


At Hayfield Primary School we stand against racism and actively teach about diversity.

In a typical school year, the children would be introduced to a wide variety of topics and educational opportunities, along with a broad variety of books.

Below is a flavour of what we do.  You will find links to some wonderful reading materials as well.


  • Each class has a different country to study each year. This might mean looking at the people, customs, foods (making and eating!), land use, history, political and social situations.  Example countries are India, Japan, Canada, Australia.
  • Religious education will provide the opportunity for children to study different religions, the festivals of each and religious celebrations. For example, Christmas, Holi, Chinese New Year, Diwali.  The children also visit places of worship such as a Christian church, Mosque.
  • We have a linking project with a multicultural school in Stockport. This gives the opportunity for children from Hayfield to make links with children from different religions and backgrounds. Together they create wonderful work such as the art at our entrance hall. The visits are reciprocal and children from different classes get this opportunity.
  • Examples of people and areas of study would be; aboriginals, Tribes of Peru, slavery, apartheid, Holocaust.
  • We also recognise and celebrate various events in the year. For example, Pride Month, Black History Month, World Cultural Day, Remembrance Day and World Book Day (we focussed on multi-cultural books most recently).
  • Typical books we read in school and children have access to are:

Queer Heroes, Izzy Gizmo, Lubna and Pebble, Amazing Grace, Boy At The Back Of The Class.

  • We also cover a wide range of topics in our PSHE and RSE These are to help prepare the children to embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life; pupils need knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships and to build their self-efficacy.


We very much welcome people from all backgrounds to talk to the children. Please contact your class teacher directly to discuss further.


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