Hayfield Primary School

Loving Learning, Loving Life.



 Hayfield Primary PESSPA Vision

Our pupils will be happy, healthy and caring, with a positive and resilient attitude to learning and life. Through Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) we aim to inspire and enable all children to lead a physically active life, be confident physically and emotionally and be competitive successfully.

At Hayfield Primary School we want our PESSPA to provide a positive experience for every child to participate in physical activity and sport in order to develop life-long love of such activity and a growing understanding of the positive mental health impact it can have on their lives.

We aim to develop a whole child approach to PESSPA looking at all areas of a child’s development, including physical, social, emotional and psychological.

Hayfield Primary PESSPA aims

Our PESSPA Curriculum

At Hayfield Primary we have a broad, balanced, ambitious curriculum with a focus on the whole child whilst utilising our fantastic outdoor spaces and local environment. Our PESSPA curriculum is designed to offer every pupil the opportunity to be physically confident and competent. PESSPA is central to our school culture and ethos. We teach a child centred approach and school values are taught as part of our curriculum, bringing wider benefits in developing the whole person. The values our pupils develop carry across into their academic work and social skills. Whole child approach is achieved by constant assessing of pupils needs and the PE lead having an overview of all pupil’s development. All lessons are differentiated for SEN pupils and SEN pupils are able to access intervention and catch up work with a PE specialist.

PE is timetabled twice a week for every class. In infants’ pupils are taught by our early year’s specialist in rotation. Staff follow a curriculum plan to ensure continuity and progression of key skills. We also offer swimming in Year 4 as part of our curriculum. Furthermore, Woodland Learning is taught in addition to timetabled PE; classes have an opportunity to take part in woodland learning with a fully trained Forest School teacher on rotation.

Our early years teaching is primarily fundamental skills based. The skills then progressing to enable sport specific teaching in Juniors. Teaching in juniors is also planned with the competition calendar in mind, enabling children to have experience and confidence to play a sport at a competitive level.

The teaching of PESSPA is planned with weather, hall space and whole school events in mind to ensure PESSSPA is delivered safely and appropriately.

In addition to timetable PE , teachers plan in brain breaks and active blasts into classroom learning. Making use of the daily mile, active playgrounds and encouraging active travel to school.

Our PESSPA Cross Curricular

Whole school topics and class topics use PESSPA within the curriculum. We aim to teach dance in line with topics. OAA is also planned in line with Geography units of work, e.g. map reading.

 Our PESSPA Competition

The School Games Values of Determination, (.    Honesty, Passion, Respect, Self-belief and teamwork), are at the heart of our competitive sports programme. At Hayfield Primary competitive sports is viewed as part of the broad curriculum and all pupils are expected to participate. We believe in finding the right sport for each child and taking part, trying a wide range of activities. Competition is offered both intra and interschool and now also online.

We are very lucky to have an active school sports partnership with New Mill School and Peak Edge Group of Schools (PEGS) cluster. NMS lead with the help of young leaders a full programme of events in a wide range of sports. Hayfield Primary, through the purchase of our school minibus, are able to attend all events.  Selection for attendance depends on a wide range of criteria and is suited to the individual child’s needs. High Peak School Sports Partnership offer regional and county competitive competitions geared towards challenging the talented as well as a full spectrum of festivals in less competitive sports. At Hayfield Primary ALL children will have the opportunity to represent the school in an extracurricular event at least once in the academic year.

We offer a variety of after school and lunchtime clubs which are communicated to children and parents. Lunchtime clubs are child led sessions, working towards competitions or engaging with groups of children as needed.

In addition to our PESSPA offering we work with lots of external local sports clubs and provide a pathway for pupils who show an interest.


The PE and Sport Premium funding

The Premium Funding is designed to help children get an active start in life, supporting primary schools to improve the quality of their PESSPA provision so that pupils experience the benefits of regular exercise – from becoming healthier both mentally and physically to improved behaviour and better academic achievement. The funding is a ring-fenced grant for English primary schools to provide additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE, sport and physical activity.

There are 5 key indicators that schools should expect to see improvement across:

  • the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school
  • the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
  • increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  • broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
  • increased participation in competitive sport

We will use our PE and Sport Premium funding strategically to not only see improvements across the above key indicators, but to also support Hayfield Primary pupils to achieve our Vision and Aims. Details of how our funding is spent and the impact is available on the website in our PESSPA action plan. 


Meeting National Curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety 2022

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim Competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?  100%

• A continuous swim of more than 25 metres, without touching the side of the pool or pool floor. Part of the swim should be completed in deep water.
• Strokes are as strong at the end as at the start
• Strokes are recognisable to an informed onlooker.

Pupils choose stroke and start in the water, must be relaxed.

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke?  97%

Children should be able to use a range of strokes, alternating on their front and back, and adapt them for a range of purposes. Swimming strokes do not have to be technically correct, but they need to be effective for the intended outcomes to be successfully achieved.

E.g. swim 15 metres using a range of strokes, with change of strokes to be fluent, treading water using a breaststroke type action and sculling with hands.

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self- rescue in different water – based situations?  100%
Water Safety Message:
Spot the Dangers
Advice – take advice
Friends – go with a friend
Emergency- learn what to do in an emergency
Children should know the dangers of water locally and nationally. Learn how and why to use appropriate survival and self-rescue skills if they fall in by accident, or get into difficulty and knowing what to do if others get into trouble.

See attached document for further, detailed information. 



Below you will find links to our progression of skills, action plan, the impact of our Sports Premium spending and a curriculum overview. We receive £17,551 per year:- 


 Sports Premium-2024-Final Hayfield.docxDownload
 Swimming data Yr 6.docxDownload
 End of Yr 6 data Swimming 2023.docxDownload
 evidencing-the-impact-of-the-primary-pe-and-sport-premium-2020-action-plan dec .docxDownload
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