Hayfield Primary School

Loving Learning, Loving Life.

School Improvement Priorities


We are very much focusing on our 'Catch-up' curriculum this academic year.  However, this does feed into the main school improvement priorities and the two strands are intrinsically linked. 

Our 3 key aims this year are:

  1. Subject leaders to continue to ensure that all subjects are monitored effectively and adapted if needed to provide assurance that pupils are learning and remembering all they are capable of. This is an OFSTED based target.

  2. To ensure current staff team have ownership and understanding of teaching English based around a comprehensive toolkit which supports planning, teaching and assessment to impact on pupil outcomes.

  3. To research whole school behaviour systems through investigations into best practice at other local schools, Education Endowment Fund research and other academia.  This will lead to a complete refresh of behaviour systems in school.