Ofsted Report
Hayfield Primary is a GOOD School as of February 2022. Please click on the link to view a copy of our latest Ofsted.
Pupil Performance
Please click on the link to the DfE school performance tables
2023 - 2024
Reading - 93%
Writing -75%
Maths - 71%
It will not be possible to calculate KS1-KS2 progress measures for academic years 2023/24 and 2024/25. This is because there is no KS1 baseline available to calculate primary progress measures for these years due to Covid-19 disruption.
Reading - 81.5%
Writing - 63%
Maths - 74.1%
Grammar Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) - 74.1%
An average child is zero
Average Progress Reading +3.5 Writing +0.9 Maths +2.5
The scaled score is measured against a national expectation of 100. Anything above 100 is a positive. There is no writing score as this is teacher assessed and not a specific test
Scaled Score Reading 107.9 Maths 105.9
No results to publish due to Covid-19
2018 - 19 results
Year 6 attainment
Reading - 71%
Writing - 71%
Maths - 81%
Grammar Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) - 81%
An average child is zero
Average Progress Reading -0.98 Writing -1.05 Maths +0.56
The scaled score is measured against a national expectation of 100. Anything above 100 is a positive. There is no writing score as this is teacher assessed and not a specific test
Scaled Score Reading 105 Maths 108
Reading, writing and maths expected standard or above combined = 62%
Reading, writing and maths higher level of attainment = 14%
Financial Performance
Please click here to see he dedicated Financial Benchmarking Tool for our school.