Hayfield Primary School

Loving Learning, Loving Life.



Please see at the bottom of this page with regard to our Remote Education Offer during Covid-19.


As required by the National Curriculum, we provide a curriculum that is balanced and broadly based which:

  • promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of all pupils at this school and of society
  • prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
  • is underpinned by effective teaching, learning and assessment
  • builds on what children already know, and is progressive year on year
  • is fun, engaging, enterprising and based on experiential learning whenever possible
  • promotes active and outdoor learning
  • uses up-to-date technologies
  • has a global dimension, and
  • is designed to maximise pupil achievement and improve outcomes for all our learners

The key to the success of our curriculum and children’s progress

In line with our school aims, and in working with parents, governors, the community and outside agencies, this school seeks to meet the needs of all of its children through a personalised approach and differentiating all learning appropriately, providing both support and challenge to meet individual needs. We provide a positive, safe, inclusive and caring environment in which the children are made to feel happy and safe. Establishing a good rapport with children, building their confidence, encouraging them to express their individual ideas and feelings, and actively promoting the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs are as important in this school as teaching the academic curriculum.

 Through the curriculum, the school encourages the self-confidence and self-esteem of every child. Image building is a vital part of the school’s work. Activities such as praising and rewarding the children, displaying their work, giving them a voice in how they learn, giving them whole-school responsibilities such as school councillor, eco rep, house or sports captain, and giving them lots of opportunities to perform in assemblies, drama, sports, music and other activities, all play a valuable part in raising the confidence and self-esteem of our young learners.

 Our curriculum is rich, broad and balanced, and relevant to the needs and interests of our children. It is crucial that learning is seen as essentially purposeful and enjoyable. Education is an important tool for life and if children learn to enjoy learning when young, the desire to keep learning is more likely to stay with them.

Please see this page in regard to how we are complying with our duties in regard to the Equality Act 2010, the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and how make our curriculum accessible for children with SEND.  We are fortunate to have children with a variety of disabilities in our school, from whom we all can learn. 


if there is more you would like to know about our curriculum please feel free to contact the school either by email or phone. 


Please find below links to our curriculum section

Curriculum at Hayfield

Long Term Planning

Intent, implementation and impact at Hayfield


Educational Visits

Useful Maths Information

Music curriculum 

Medium Term plans by year group below:


Showing 1-7 of 7
 Information about our remote education 2021-22.odtDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Learning Ladders/Progression of skills

 Art and Design at Key Stage 2.docxDownload
 Key Stage 1 Design and Technology Skills.docxDownload
 Key Stage 2 Design and Technology Skills.docxDownload
 KS1 computing Progression of Skills.docxDownload
 KS1 geography progression of skills KG.docxDownload
 KS1 history progression of skills KG.docxDownload
 KS1 music progression of skills (1).docxDownload
 KS2 computing Progression of Skills.docxDownload
 KS2 geography progression of skills KG.docxDownload
 KS2 history progression of skills -KG.docxDownload
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